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Service level reporting

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What is Service Level Reporting (SLR)?

The term “Service Level Reporting” (SLR) describes the standard of customer service being offered to customers with respect to a certain campaign. Instead of concentrating on how satisfied your customers are overall, SLR gives you the ability to monitor each promotional campaign—or limited-time offer, for that matter—individually to see if your contact center is able to deliver the quality of services that your customers have come to expect from you. Using SLR, you can pinpoint exactly when your customer support team was unable to satisfactorily address their concerns by using applicable SLR data, and you can then use the information gained to improve your services in line with upcoming campaigns.

Metrics We Calculate

SLR includes a number of micro and macro measures to assess call center’s performance during a certain promotion. To constantly maintain an exceptional support experience for our clients during such events, we employ a combination of micro & macro analytics to assess our current success and plan for future campaigns.

Micro Metrics

Open Cases – Overall number of unresolved customer cases throughout the course of that specific campaign

Service Activities – Services mostly in demand among customers or prospective customers

Resolutions – Customer complaints addressed in a specified amount of time

Time to Resolution – Average time it took to address a customer’s concern

First Response Time – The first response time of a support agent when a customer initiated a support session

Backlog  The daily buildup of unfinished tasks which can be used to gauge customer a call center efficacy

Churn Ratio – Number of customer who switched brands

Actionable Customer Feedback – Quick activities, like surveys and online tests, to gauge the leads’ levels of interaction and involvement. This information can be utilized for future improvement

Market Research – Identify emerging technology and latest consumer trends in order to provide prospects and existing customers with superior customer experience

Customer Surveys – CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) and NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys are used to measure customer satisfaction and promotion rates, respectively, as well as to get input from customers on the campaign’s overall process for providing customer care.

Macro Metrics

Customer Request Volume – The overall percentage of customer support queries that are initiated during a certain campaign or special offer.

Operator Activity – During a certain campaign, this provides details about the overall work and activities of agents.

Team Efficiency – If the support agents were able to effectively solve customer queries while applying out of the box solutions.

Churn Prevention – By providing exceptional support experience, personalized messages, quick solutions – how support agents were able to prevent customers from switching businesses. 

Product Development – Details regarding newest or most recent product(s)/promotions, or more especially, the reactions of your consumers to such items, in order to improve product development process.

Benefits of SLR

Your most valuable resource is your consumer base. The road to reach your objectives totally depend upon their reactions to your services. In today’s highly competitive industry, you need to make sure that you are continually offering top-notch services to your clients if you want to retain their loyalty.

By continuously assessing your performance in line with each promotional campaign or other comparable events, Service Level Reporting gives you the ability to remain competitive. It also enables you to enhance your services by obtaining customer feedback, such as what they want or expect from you, if they are completely pleased with your services or whether any improvements are necessary. If you want to improve your processes, SLR remains crucial.

SLR enables us to take the following steps:

Meaningful. Personal. Human.

Your best moments in Customer Experience are here.