ChatPandas | Resolution Rate - ChatPandas

Resolution Rate

In this day and age of competitive marketing, making new products and introducing them to the market is not enough. In order to increase your sales, you need to understand customer behavior, variables of customer satisfaction level and strategies to drive customers into the sales funnel. A seamless customer service takes you above and beyond in making happy customers.

What is Resolution Rate?

To calculate resolution rate, we have to specify a time period. Resolution rate is a metric that compares the total number of support request assigned to an agent to how many of them are solved within a certain time period. The formula for calculating resolution rate is as follows: 

Resolution Rate = Number of Calls Received – Number of Calls Unresolved/Number of Calls Received

Our Criteria for Resolution Rate

Resolution rate is different from First Contact Resolution (FCR) as FCR determined how many issues were resolved during the first touch point, while resolution rate tracks whether the issues were resolved and how long it took for the agent to drive the customer there. 

Our resolution rate time threshold is 48 hours during which we keep contacting the customer to resolve queries. However, after that, we cease all communication as it can annoy customer to the point of disloyalty.

How we Optimize Resolution Rate?

Resolution rate is one of the key indicators to measure the effectiveness of our customer service. It determines whether we have been solving customer queries in a timely manner. It also gives a clear picture of the needs of the customer and give insights into the performance of the agents. We improve Resolution Rate by taking the following steps:

Data-driven support

Our ChatPandas are provided with a comprehensive database which includes everything they need to learn about your business so they can serve your customers better.

Up-sale and Cross-sale techniques

Our ChatPandas upsell and cross sell to your customers and never miss a sales opportunity.

We promote Empathy

We speak empathy! Our ChatPandas are trained to provide effective communication with empathetic responses and are rewarded for it.

Quality Check

We have quality control metrics in place to constantly monitor agent performance and if they are fulfilling the customer needs.

Visual Scoreboards

We display scorecards of our ChatPandas real time which fosters a culture of healthy competition and all of them are motivated to do better.

Real-time Data Analysis

Our software allows our supervisors to monitor data real time of back log, calls in the queue, abandoned calls, or calls which require a follow up which is used by us to assist your customers in a timely manner.

Automation Service

Our automation service renders quick, alternate self-support that increases resolution rate. Our ChatPandas come up with a resolution rate of 90%.

Meaningful. Personal. Human.

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