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Improve Live Chat Structure for Your Business Success

Stop feeling clueless about designing a successful live chat strategy as long as we’re around with our proven experience in the customer support industry.

Business Analysis

A successful live chat strategy always begins with the basic business model understanding that covers multiple elements. Live chat volume, lead conversion percentage, actual customer satisfaction ratio, and customer representative’s availability are one of the few important aspects to look for when devising a transparent & proven live chat model.

We begin with developing deep product understating for devising relevant live chat procedures. Examining the marketing strategy – such as marketing messages, promotional ads, referral campaigns, and more – gives us an insight into current customer needs and enables us to craft a personalized life chat process that resonates with your key customer. We study key competitors which gives us a fair comparison between their marketing efforts and where they’re lacking that we can use to our advantage.

Business URL Analysis

In crafting a winning live chat process, we utilize your business website and define key performance indicators based on the sessions and visitor behavior. And create personalized responses for each customer persona trying to reach out through variable website sections.

A visitor can show up on your website from an unpredictable traffic source and we help you understand the traffic sources and design the live chat strategy accordingly. We identify high-performing pages of your business website and plan proactive messaging for the visitors because greeting or relevant message increases the lead generation chances to manifolds.

We examine your website to evaluate the bounce rate ratio, make suggestions to fix it, and devise a live chat strategy accordingly.  We take into account a visitor’s stay time on the website to formulate proactive and reactive messaging.

Our Homework

Along with defining live chat protocols, our experts extend their help at many ends such as creating a robust chat strategy that helps you in converting visitors into valuable leads for the company. 

We register new information, qualified lead procedures, and everything that can benefit your live chat department to grow professionally. We even help you predict the most relevant canned response for each situation in different website sections.

We believe in teamwork and that starts with having a transparent workflow between your live chat and sales team. So, we include defining procedures such as lead recording patterns, complaint management, follow-up intervals, etc. Products, features, offers, and promotional prices, we keep an eye on your business changes and adapt the live chat processes accordingly.


Once you’ve everything in place to achieve your sales target via live chat, we work with you to execute the chat strategy. We get you the sales keeping in view the live chat standards set in earlier stages and ensure uniformity in your processes from query generation until it’s converted into confirmed leads.

We start with test runs to make sure every canned response and every protocol is in line with your business values. Walking our clients through every step is necessary for ensuring the successful deployment of the proposed live chat process.

Once we conduct A/B testing on various stages and demonstrate to you the whole live chat process, the plan is applied to your customer support in hopes of adding agility, transparency, and swiftness to your lead generation cycle.

Meaningful. Personal. Human.

Your best moments in Customer Experience are here.