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Customer experience

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience

October 14, 2024

Table of Contents

Both customer experience and customer service are essential components of the customer journey.

A secret weapon to win customer loyalty is understanding customer service vs. customer experience. Both of these concepts, though often confused, are distinct pillars of a successful business strategy. Customer service addresses immediate needs and problems, while customer experience shapes every interaction a customer has with your brand.

The following article will cover both areas, offering actionable strategies to improve customer journey and ensure every touchpoint leaves a lasting positive impression. Ready to boost Customer satisfaction and loyalty? Let’s begin.

What is Customer Service?

Customer Service is the support you offer your customers before, during, and after they purchase your products or services. This can be provided through various channels such as; Phone Support, Email, Live Chat, and even Self-Service options like knowledge bases and Chatbots. 

"Customer service is not a department, it’s an attitude."Harvey Mackay

Key Aspects of Excellent Customer Service:

Key aspects of excellent customer service include;

Fast Responses: According to Zendesk, 60% of customers consider speed as the most crucial aspect of good customer service. 

Empathy and Friendliness: Nearly half of the customers prefer interacting with empathetic and friendly agents​. 

Multi-channel Support: 50% of customers prefer contacting support through channels they use with their loved ones, such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp​.

Example: When a customer calls to resolve a billing issue, a well-trained agent quickly provides a solution, enhancing the customer's perception of the brand's reliability.

What is Customer Experience (CX)?

Customer Experience (CX) includes all interactions a customer has with your brand, from marketing and sales to product quality and customer service. It’s about how customers perceive their overall interactions with your business.

"Customer experience is everything. It’s the way you treat your customers and how you make them feel." - Kristina Evey

Integrated Interaction: The Customer experience includes every touchpoint, such as; 

  • Website Visits
  • Advertisements
  • Post-Purchase Support​ 

The Three Ps: People, Process, and Product shape customer experience. Customers want helpful employees, hassle-free processes, and intuitive products​.

For instance: A customer discovers your brand through a social media ad, finds the website user-friendly, enjoys a smooth checkout process, and receives timely follow-up emails, creating a cohesive positive experience.

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: Key Differences


Aspects Customer Service Customer Experience
Ownership Customer support department Entire Company
Average Handle Time (AHT) Average duration of customer calls Balancing efficiency with service quality
Goal Ensure customer satisfaction Build a strong, lasting bond with the brand.
Support Channels Omnichannel support options All brand interactions, including marketing and social
Average Handle Time (AHT) Average duration of customer calls Balancing efficiency with service quality
Metrics (KPI) CSAT, NPS, average resolution time CLV, NPS, customer churn rate, customer retention rate
Approaches Used Proactive Reactive
Customer Interaction Problems, Questions, Or Issues The Entire Customer Journey
Relationship Type Transactional Experiential
Technology and Tools CRM systems, Helpdesk Software etc Customer Journey Mapping Tools, Experience Management Platforms etc
Response Time Quick responses to customer queries Interaction monitoring and improvement

The following are the main differences between customer service and customer experience:

Scope and Focus: 

Customer Service is narrowly focused on individual customer interactions and addressing specific issues or inquiries. It revolves around problem-solving and providing assistance related to a product or service.

Customer Experience, on the other hand, has a much broader scope. It involves the entire customer journey with a brand, across multiple touchpoints and interactions, from initial awareness and discovery to purchase, usage, and post-purchase support.

Reactive vs. Proactive Approach: 

Customer Service is inherently reactive, responding to customer needs and problems as they arise. It is triggered by a customer reaching out for assistance or support.

Customer Experience takes a proactive approach, aiming to anticipate and meet customer needs before they even arise. It involves designing and delivering a smooth, hassle-free experience that delights customers at every step of their journey.

Touchpoints and Interactions: 

Customer Service primarily involves direct interactions with customers, such as phone calls, emails, chat support, or in-person assistance. These interactions are typically transactional and focused on resolving a specific issue.

Customer Experience covers all touchpoints between a brand and its customers, including marketing, sales, product usage, self-service channels, and post-purchase support. It considers every aspect of the customer's journey, both direct and indirect interactions.

Ownership and Responsibility: 

Customer Service is typically owned and managed by a dedicated customer service team or department within an organization.

Customer Experience is a cross-functional responsibility that requires collaboration across multiple teams and departments, including marketing, sales, product development, operations, and customer service itself.

Metrics and Measurement: 

Customer Service is often measured by metrics such as response times, resolution rates, and Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) specific to individual interactions.

Customer Experience is evaluated through broader metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), customer feedback, and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), which capture the overall perception and loyalty of customers.

Strategic Alignment: 

Customer Service strategies are primarily focused on operational efficiency, cost optimization, and meeting Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Customer Experience strategies align with broader organizational goals, such as brand reputation, customer loyalty, revenue growth, and competitive differentiation. They aim to create a consistent, memorable experience that builds emotional connections and advocacy.

Employee Training and Mindset: 

Customer Service training focuses on developing skills like active listening, problem-solving, and product knowledge to effectively resolve customer issues.

Customer Experience training emphasizes a customer-centric mindset, empathy, and an understanding of the end-to-end customer journey. It cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and innovation to enhance the overall experience.

By understanding these key differences, businesses can effectively coordinate their customer service and customer experience strategies, ensuring that they not only address immediate customer needs but also create an integrated, positive experience that cultivates lasting customer relationships and loyalty.

Why Do Both Matter?

According to Forbes,

“Customer service is the advice or assistance a company gives its customers. And Customer experience is the total journey of a customer’s interactions with a brand”. 

Investing in both customer service and customer experience is essential for building lasting customer relationships and ensuring business success. Memorable customer experiences are built on the foundation of excellent customer service. Here’s why you should focus on both:

Customer Retention: 

Superior customer service can significantly reduce churn rates. Customers are 2.4 times more likely to stick with a brand when their issues are resolved quickly (Forrester)​. 

Financial Performance: 

Customer-centric companies achieve higher revenue growth and profitability, with organizations demonstrating strong CX strategies reporting a 41% growth rate​ (Zendesk)​​. 


Overall, customer service focuses on immediate problem resolution and support, while customer experience includes the entire journey and perception a customer has with a brand. By aligning efforts in both areas, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, revenue, and ultimately profits. 

Want to turn your excellent customer service into loyalty? Chat Pandas can help! Book a call with our experts today to start transforming your customer journey.


Can a company excel in customer experience without good customer service?

No, effective customer service is essential for a positive overall customer experience. Both must work together to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty​.

What's more important, customer service or experience?

Customer experience is more important because it consists of every interaction with the brand, including customer service, and builds long-term loyalty and positive perception.

Is customer service and customer experience important to customer retention?

Providing excellent customer service ensures immediate issue resolution, fostering loyalty, while a strong customer experience creates lasting positive impressions, reducing churn.

How do customer service and customer experience impact customer loyalty?

Excellent customer service resolves immediate issues, fostering satisfaction, while a great customer experience ensures long-term loyalty and positive brand perception​.

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