ChatPandas | Email Click through Rate - ChatPandas

Email Click through Rate

Email Click through Rate

Eye-catching titles, smart follow-ups, and winning email drips: Get high email click through rate

The Email Click-Through Rate serves as a valuable metric that gauges the level of audience engagement with your marketing content, as well as the ratio of link clicks in your email campaigns. Its value varies depending on the industry and marketing campaign objectives. Essentially, it provides insights into the effectiveness of your content by highlighting the number of individuals who take action as a result of it.

For marketing strategies that prioritize up-selling and cross-selling to existing customers, the CTR tends to be higher, averaging at around 40%. Conversely, for lead nurturing, the CTR is usually lower, with an average of 10%. Factors that affect the CTR primarily stem from external elements, such as the email’s subject line, calls to action, copywriting finesse, link placement, emphasis, and the timing of the email.

How we Calculate CTR

Calculating the CTR involves determining the number of subscribers who clicked on at least one link in the marketing campaign and dividing it by the total number of emails sent for that particular campaign. This formula provides a breakdown of how to calculate the email click-through rate:

Email CTR = Number of Clicks / Number of Delivered Emails x 100

What is Average CTR?

The following graph displays the global average CTR, providing a general analysis that helps identify the most effective marketing campaigns for a specific market within a given country. A CTR above 4% is deemed favorable, whereas dropping below this threshold should trigger concerns.

How we Optimize CTR

In order to maximize the click-through rate, we undertake a number of steps and refine them accordingly, which includes optimizing the content for all types of devices.

We understand that email readers use various devices, but mobile phones are the most frequently used device for accessing and clicking through emails. Therefore, the accessibility of email content on mobile devices plays a significant role in determining the CTR. Research indicates that a vast majority of email readers, around 70%, delete emails that are not optimized for mobile phones. This underscores the importance of optimizing email content for mobile devices, which we never neglect, and instead ensure that our email content is optimized for all devices.

Fixing Day and Time

Based on our years of experience, we have discovered that launching campaigns on weekends can be more effective in boosting CTR. Although research shows that email click rates are generally highest between 9am and 4pm, these clicks may not necessarily translate into actions. Therefore, we prefer to launch our campaigns before or after typical work hours when readers are more relaxed and engaged, and more likely to respond to our message.

Relevant Content

The success of an email campaign depends on the quality of its content. We focus on creating content that is concise, relevant and thought-provoking, and resonates with the readers’ daily experiences. Our approach is not to push sales, but to tell a compelling story that appeals to the readers’ emotions and creates a desire for the product.

Back Log

Unresolved tickets, entering data into CRM, sending demo invites can create a back log and a spike of ticket problems grown too quickly for team to keep up. We break back log into prioritized groups, sort out tickets based on urgency, set up scheduled responses for pending tickets and reduce call abandonment rates to reduce back log problems.

A bit of backlog is to be expected but our ChatPandas complete all tasks as to not create a snowball effect. We try to achieve maximum efficacy, keep our benchmarks at the targeted level and reduce backlog without compromising on the quality expected of us.

Segmented Targeting

Our targeting strategy is based on analyzing customers’ past buying behavior and interactions to ensure effective email campaigns. We avoid targeting randomly as it leads to lower CTR and higher revenue costs. Instead, we segment our audience to offer the most relevant products that meet their specific needs and interests, resulting in higher engagement and CTR.

Personalized Email

We make sure that our email content for each campaign is personalized by including the recipient’s name as well as the name of their representative. This customized approach caters to their individual needs and provides a personalized experience.

Social Sharing Icon

In today’s world, social media plays a crucial role in everyone’s life. As most of our subscribers are avid social media users, we make sure to include social media sharing buttons in our email campaigns. By doing so, even if the readers don’t end up making a purchase, they are likely to share our email with their social media connections, leading to increased visibility and potentially higher CTR.

Call to Actions (CTAs)

Email calls to action are important links or buttons that lead readers to specific pages. We believe in the “less is more” approach when it comes to including them in our emails. Through our research on readers’ behavior, we have found that providing too many options can confuse and overwhelm the audience. That’s why we only show a few options that work best. When you see an email with multiple calls to action, it’s hard to decide which one to choose, whereas a simpler email can be more effective in driving action.

Examine the email advertisements below and consider which one motivates you to take action.

If you correctly guessed the email ad with a shorter, more compact design and a single CTA button as the one more likely to inspire action, then you are correct. Keep in mind that emails are not the same as blog posts that go into detail about product features. Proper placement of the CTA button is also crucial, and we determine that based on your preferences and our analysis of successful previous campaigns.

CTA Texts or Buttons

The choice between using text links or buttons for calls to actions depends on individual requirements. However, we generally suggest using text links as they are more straightforward and provide a clear direction to the landing page. While buttons can also be effective, they might not give a precise idea about the final destination, and email recipients usually prefer a streamlined process to minimize the time taken for decision making.

Image Count

We use miniature painting as inspiration for our email campaigns, carefully selecting images that tell a story and capture the essence of your brand. Our goal is to create a personalized and engaging experience for the reader, one that inspires them to take action and ultimately make a purchase. Our team of experts analyzes your product in detail and selects appropriate images to include in the email. We understand that humans tend to create stories while viewing images and connect them with their own experiences. Including a significant number of product images in the email not only helps readers make informed choices, but also gives them a sense of being in your physical store.

Our email campaigns combine your brand and product colors with a compelling subject line and enticing prompts to attract a specific target audience. This strategy keeps them engaged and motivated to make a purchase. In summary, our email campaigns aim to provide a personalized and engaging experience to the readers while achieving high CTR and conversion rates.

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