ChatPandas | Client Data Protection - ChatPandas

Keeping Client Data Safe 24/7!

We comply with international data protection laws to keep your customer’s data safe and prevent possible misuse.

What is Client Data Protection?

Client data refers to their sensitive and personal information such as credit card details, mailing address, social security number, and purchase history along with the information relating to every point of contact a customer had with your organization since the beginning of their buying journeys.

Unfortunately, even though many organizations are taking steps to safeguard their customers’ data, there is no way to guarantee that something like this won’t happen again. Hence, it becomes important for businesses to take precautions to mitigate such risks. Most importantly, it is imperative for them to remain transparent about incidents like these and offer clear answers to questions posed by their customers.

Data protection means protecting the privacy of your clients. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was introduced to ensure the safety of individuals’ personal data. This regulation requires companies to comply with strict rules and regulations in order to safeguard the privacy of their clients.

How We Protect Customer Data?

We follow certain steps for ensuring that customer’s data is safe from various cyber-attacks or could go in wrong hands from our data repository.

Limited Access

We collect information from our customers, employees, partners, and suppliers and customer data is no exception. To protect customer data, we keep access limited so we can prevent data leaks or cyber-attacks.

We also have an efficient and comprehensive data management strategy in place. When implementing this plan, we consider the following three key areas:

Data Collection & Storage

Data Access

Privacy and Security

In addition, we also implement data protection policies and procedures to comply with various regulations.

Systems Monitoring

We actively monitor our agent’s routine activities to make sure that they’re focused on the tasks than indulging in any suspicious activities. Not only it proves helpful for ensuring our customer data protection objectives but we also get to observe how effectively our agents are performing their tasks.

Data Encryption

We focus on customer data protection (CDP) for handling personal information collected through websites or apps. This includes things such as names, addresses, contact details, payment information, and other sensitive information. Our CDP protocols also cover the ways we store this data, what happens to it after it has been collected, and whether it is shared with third parties. To protect customer privacy, we adhere to the principles of transparency, accountability, and control.

Risk Management Protocols

Cyber security incidents are becoming more common with each passing day so we keep improving our risk management protocols to keep customer data safe from such instances.  

To prevent future incidents from happening, we invest our resources in cyber security solutions that provide real-time monitoring and protection against malicious activities. The solution also helps detect potential risks before they become a problem.

Also, a team of technical experts remains active to combat various cyber-attacks for protecting customer data. And our timely customer data backups enable us to keep a copy in the event of a server shift or downtime.

Latest Customer Data Protection Law

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enacted by the European Union in 2016. Its purpose is to protect the privacy rights of EU citizens and residents. It applies to any company doing business in Europe. The regulation sets out rules regarding how companies collect, store, use, share, and delete data about individuals who live in the EU. Although GDPR is practiced in UK & EU countries but US based companies are also adopting this new customer data protection law.

Regions Covered by GDPR

GDPR, as stated earlier, is mainly practiced in UK & EU based companies but businesses operating in US are also incorporating this law in their infrastructure.

How We, As A Company is Affected By the GDPR?

With the GDPR implementation across business, it is mandatory to collect customer consent before using their personal information. Prior to that, companies were not practicing this law very strictly leading to various data breaches that possesses threat to customer’s privacy. 

As a company, we believe that our customers should be educated about theri consumer rights and how the collected information would be utilized by the organization. So, we notify them about the personal information collection, what particular details we collect, and how we’ll make use of this information. This awareness not only gives us their vote of confidence but a reassurance that they have no concerns for our use of the sensitive data. 

And if a customer is not comfortable in sharing the ersonal details, we simply remove the information from our database practicing the guidelines as mentioned in GDPR.

How Do We Comply with GDPR?

We take full responsibility of our customer’s data protection and ensure that no piece of information is in danger or at the risk of a data breach. We ensure that our customer’s data is in safe hands while allowing our agents the access. We use firewalls and antivirus to ensure that our agents have access to the information as much as required and other part of the data is inaccessible.

We’re a fully GDPR compliant company that believes every customer has the right to know how we collect the data, what is the particular use of this information and what is their data privacy right. Here are the following measures that we take to remain in compliance with GDPR: 

Data Management Responsibility – Being a GDPR compliant company, we responsibly process the customer data collected during the live chat sessions. 

Customer Data Usage Information – We also inform our customers about the information we collect from them while the live chat session. And we also educate them about our use of the information being collected or stored in our data respoistory. 

Customer Consent – Our customer data protection policy is based on use only those customer’s data who have given us the consent to use otherwise we simply drop them from our list. 

Data Breach Notification – As per GDPR, we’re bound to notify our customers in the event of a data breach detailing the nature and extent of the breach. We’re also bound to explain our strategy to tackle the situation. If a customer desires to opt out of our list, we’ll do so as part of the ‘Customer’s Right to be Forgotten’ policy. 

Customers’ Right to be Forgotten – In case a customer doesn’t want their personal information to be in our customer database and expresses their desire to opt out, we’re liable to entertain their request and remove their information.

Final Thoughts

We, being a GDPR compliant company, prioritize our customer’s data protection more than anything else. Because we know how sensitive this data is and what challenges a customer has to face if this data goes into wrong hands. So, when they trust us with thier personal information, we keep our words and add multiple security layers to protect the sensitive details such as name, credit card details, mailing address and several other information.

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