ChatPandas | Call Center for Sales - ChatPandas

Get inbound outbound sales, sales strategy planning and lead nurturing services by hiring our call center support.

Inbound sales

Do you know all successful businesses have one thing in common?

They base their decisions on data rather than depending upon guess work.

At ChatPandas, we employ a robust inbound sales strategy that can do wonders for your sales, brand awareness, reputation management and SEO efforts. First we identify active buyers who land on our website through different channels, then we connect with sales qualified leads in a personalized approach and offer solutions to their problems. Our Chat Pandas are professional enough to develop different approaches for customers with different personas. Finally, we advise the customer on their decision, convert them into paying customers and personalize offer based on their needs and confirm the details, all the while proactively educating them.

We deploy sales tactics in which instead of going towards the customer, you let a customer come to you based on organic leads.

We use the data from sales CRM to identify which leads became customers through closed loop reporting and update our marketing tactics.

Cold Calling

Buyers can accept meetings with salespeople after a series of contacts beginning with sales cold calls.

We employ the best cold calling scripts to generate leads for your business and boost your success rate. Our Chat Pandas fill the sales funnel with quality prospects to reach our target and don’t rely solely on your CRM system. Even before calling, we research about the prospects, prioritizing leads using organizational charts and departmental insights to boost success rate. We develop familiarity with the prospects, set the context with them and understand and empathize with their needs instead of robotically following a sales pitch.

Despite what many may believe, cold calling isn’t dead, in fact, it has actually stood the test of times by evolving.

Our priority is to always maintain a human connection with the prospects, developing familiarity, setting the context and understanding and empathizing with their needs.

Outsource sales prospecting

Do you know sales rep spend the least amount of time actually selling.

Sales outsourcing helps salespeople focus more on selling instead of spending time on other activities like developing prospect lists.

We have perfected in generating b2b leads for other businesses and take on sales functions such as lead generation, personalized outreach, engaging new prospects, customer onboarding, defining key performance indicators and using CRM to build prospecting lists. Our sales managers take time to understand your business, your products/services and your buyers. We narrow down your prospect pool to create an ideal customer profile (ICP) according to your industry, company size, job title, location and revenue.

Our skilled sales team is here to help you get better ROI by qualifying more leads every day!

We identify and track your leads across different stages of sales funnel, calculate purchase intent of leads in pipeline, call prospective customers, re engage with cold leads and even up-sell to existing customers. As marketing techniques are constantly changing, it’s a good idea to outsource your sales prospecting to focus on your core business and save time and resources.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing can mean more sales at lower cost for your business!

More than half of the generated leads in your system are still not ready to buy your services and you need lead nurturing to convert them.

Need help with that?

Don’t worry, at ChatPandaas, we have a complete lead nurturing process in place in which we caters to every movement of your lead through the sales funnel!

Our lead nurturing starts with having a thorough understanding of the target customers. We develop a customer journey map outlining each stage they go through when they move through the sales funnel from awareness, engagement, and evaluation to their purchase and can even go post purchase. We do lead scoring based on their demographics, budget, interest and their place in the sales funnel. Additionally, we may develop targeted content and use market automation tools to deliver targeted messages and keep them engaged.

Get our unique approach which involves giving customized touch to everything!

We use keywords to reach audiences, draw prospects and drive traffic while getting insights from our marketing, sales and support team.

Sales Strategy Development

Ever heard of the phrase, ‘a product sells itself’?
Well, it doesn’t.

A product sells after the planning and implementation of a successful sales strategy, and at Chat Pandas, we believe in strategy, but more importantly, a well thought out and successful sales strategy.

If you are thinking what a sales strategy is, it is simply a plan on how to generate more revenue and we can help you make one!

We monitor your growth goals, KPIs, target market, market positioning, ideal customer profile, sales motions, selling methodology and budget to build a successful sales strategy. The ultimate objective is to monitor marketing generated leads and transform them into revenue. We develop powerful buying visions, taking a problem centric approach and address needs of your buyers with our call support  In short, we give it real to your buyers with a story they would like to hear!

Monitor sales operations

We monitor sales operations to help sales team sell your products/services faster. Our sales team qualify leads, set goals and track the performance of your sales strategy with CRM. Enjoy the benefits of a 24/7 available, well trained support team and high customer satisfaction rating at a fraction of a cost.

Taking orders

Are you selling your products/services online? If you are, you cannot afford not to be open 24/7. Our chat Pandas are trained to help you with order processing, order management, order tracking, order fulfillment, provide 24/7 customer support, upselling, cross selling and so much more. Hiring us means you are practically never closed!


Hear us out!
Our Chat Pandas can upsell to your existing customer base and

We can practically increase your sales overnight only by upselling through call support!

Cross selling

We love the idea of cross selling and we are sure you love it too. Our highly trained Chat Pandas are experts in cross selling and can encourage more people to buy a more diverse array of your products and services achieving optimum levels of marketing and sales efficiency. As a result, we are able to provide you with larger and consistent revenues with less investment, huge savings and increasing profits.


Make your payments faster, safer and more convenient with us. Our agents can help your customers with transactions, payment issues, providing them with billing methods, payment confirmation and getting invoices in your normal business hours, after-hours and even during peak seasons. We can collect more revenue faster for you by securely and accurately taking real time payments on resulting in mitigating risks, lower costs and improving the overall agent and customer experience.

Solving Complaints

An unhappy customer will tell other people about their bad experiences and nobody wants that. We feel pride in telling you that problem solving is our forte! There are no cookie cutter recipes in customer support so instead of using a formal script and automated messages, our agents deal everyone with a personalized approach on calls while getting to the core of the issue. So no matter how many the queries are or how distraught the customer is, everyone feels heard and understood.

Sales training

Our agents go through rigorous training procedures before they go live for your business and after they get trained, we are sure no one can tell that they have never worked for your business. Our Chat Pandas practice on simulations which recreates real life support scenarios thus enabling them to be well equipped to solve all kinds of problems even before they step out of the training.

Meaningful. Personal. Human.

Your best moments in Customer Experience are here.